NorthEast Texas Trail Coalition
Biking, Hiking, Walking, and Equestrian trails in NE Texas
This event has been POSTPONED due to rain & stormy conditions! Please watch for updates and reschedule date on Reno Parks and Trail Committee’s facebook page.
The Don’t mess with Texas Trash-Off is the single largest one-day cleanup event in the state and serves as Texas’s signature event for the Great American Cleanup, the nation’s largest community improvement program. The Don’t mess with Texas Trash-Off is part of TxDOT’s litter prevention program, which includes Don’t mess with Texas, Adopt-a-Highway, and a grassroots partnership with Keep Texas Beautiful.
Join us and be a part of this great event. Your participation sends a clear message to Texans everywhere: The smallest efforts really do make the biggest difference. Take pride in the fact that you were part of making our great state beautiful. Join in on this event and help us make a difference.
We will meet at Reno Kiwanis Park at 9am to be split into teams. Each team will be assigned specific areas of Reno and the Trail to pick up trash and debris to keep our community beautiful. Please wear comfortable clothing and good walking shoes or boots. Trash bags and drinking water will be provided. A free lunch will be served at the park immediately following the event.
There will be a prize for the person who finds the most unusual item during the cleanup!