Paris to Reno

Paris to Reno

Before planning your trip, please review the Rules and Campsites posted on the NETT Coalition website.



Get away from the hustle and bustle of city life. In the heart of Paris, you will find the serenity you seek on the Trail de Paris. The gently curved route cuts a recreational ribbon from 8th SE Street, winding east under a beautiful living canopy of trees over Loop 286 to the Paris city limits.

It is appealing to those who seek a pleasant, safe place to walk, run, or ride bicycles, and is handicapped accessible. This is Paris and Lamar County’s only non-motorized Pedestrian/Bicycle Trail. Leashed dogs are also permitted on the Trail. The distinct Trail de Paris “Welcome” signs are placed at each of the 6-Trail access points. These Trailheads offer parking and are located north of the Sports Complex Outdoor Pavilion, Noyse Stadium at 24th SE Street, east and west side of Collegiate Drive, behind Sears Department Store on Clarksville Street , behind PCA Medical Complex on Clarksville Street, and off Old Clarksville Road at the Red River Boys and Girls Club Sports Complex.

There is also a 1/2-mile Trail spur that connects the 4-mile asphalted main Trail to the City of Paris’s 53-acre Sports Complex and 21-acre Love Civic Center. It ambles through a 90-acre heavily wooded area and over a successfully relocated and rehabilitated rainbow steel truss bridge spanning Big Sandy Creek that includes a beautiful deck shaded by two Red Oaks. It is a perfect spot to have a picnic, snack, or to spend some retrospective time surrounded by the sound of rustling leaves, and birds chirping.


5.94 miles

Surface & Condition

Asphalt.Trail is a pleasant flat straight way with shady trees along side. Watch out for the long narrow and deep cracks and crevices in the payment.

Paris to Reno Section of the Trail

Currently, the Paris NETT section begins at 4th SW and Hearn St. and proceeds East across Church St. and 3rd SE and turns South on 3rd SE to Jackson St. It proceeds across 6th and 8th Streets proceeding East. You will cross 6th and 8th SE Streets proceeding East. At the intersection of 8th SE and 12th SW is an outdoor Yoga Park. Proceed from 12th St. to 24th SE St. Between 24th St. and Collegiate Drive, stop to view to view the beautiful hummingbird gardens on the Paris Junior College segment. It proceeds East crossing Collegiate St.
Just East of the Paris Police Station. Just East of the Paris Police Station is a Safe Routes to School spur that connects to Crockett Middle School. Proceed East on the Trail de Paris where you will come upon another Trail link going South through a beautiful wooded area and a delightful observation deck perfect for picnics and bird watching. The deck is abutted to a Rainbow Truss Bridge connecting to the city of Paris sports complex, the Love Civic Center, Paris Texas Eiffel Tower and Veterans Memorial Park. Bike rental kiosks are available at the SW corner of Love Civic Center in the complex. Be sure to access this link. Continuing East on this link, you will cross a canopied pedestrian bridge over US Hwy 271. Continue East crossing Old Clarksville Road and to Paris’ East city limit which connects to Reno’s Rail Trail NETT Section.
At this point, Lamar County has obtained two (2) TxDOT TAP and TASA grants that will provide a surfaced trail to the Lamar County West county line from there. There are plenty of park benches for rest areas and water fountains.
There are maps of the Trail de Paris and its destinations and connections on the Trail de Paris website.:

Access points

Sports Complex Outdoor Pavilion, Noyse Stadium at 24th SE Street, east and west side of Collegiate Drive, behind Sears Department Store on Clarksville Street , behind PCA Medical Complex on Clarksville Street, and off Old Clarksville Road at the Red River Boys and Girls Club Sports Complex.

Appropriate for

Biking; Walking; Jogging

For more information

Visit the Trail de Paris website:
Or visit their Facebook page.


The public is asked to contact the person listed for each trail town to make reservations for camping. A complete list of campsites and contact information is posted on the NETT Coalition website.
Camping for the Paris (City of Paris) – Contact information for campsite reservations is as follows:

City of Paris Parks Department: (903) 784.9289 or (903) 784.9266.
Reservations should be made so that arrangements may be made to open the restrooms.
No campfires are permitted within Paris city limits.

Local Emergency Contact Information:

Emergency /Medical – 9-1-1
Paris Police Department – (903) 784-6688
Reno Police Department – (903) 785-1744 office
Lamar County Sheriff’s Department – (903) 737-2400


Hotels/ Lodging

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Local Weather:

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