Detroit to Clarksville

Detroit to Clarksville

Before planning your trip, please review the Rules and Campsites on the NETT Coalition website.

Detroit to Bagwell


The Trail connects to the Veterans Memorial walking park from the West Red River County line.


6.2 miles

Surface and Conditions/Challenges

Detroit to Bagwell: Detroit west city limits to Bagwell: Surface is grass and gravel. Wear bright colors during hunting season. Trail segment to be completed by 2018.

In December 2017, Phase I TxDOT TAP grant began on construction from the Red River West County line to Bagwell. It entails clearing and grading the corridor, rehabbing all Railroad bridges, installing handrails on bridges, strategically placing safety bollards, and regulatory signage. The project is scheduled to be completed in September 2018.

Access Points

Detroit: abundant parking adjacent to US Hwy 82 fronting the downtown area. Parking at Detroit City Park.

Bagwell to Clarksville


7.0 miles

Surface and Conditions/Challenges

Bagwell to Clarksville: Surface is mowed grass and gravel. Good condition. Suitable for hiking and mountain biking. Wear bright colors during hunting season. Walk carefully over bridges. Watch for sinkholes west of Clarksville. Trail segment to be completed by 2020.

Clarksville City Limits: Surface is in very good condition. Crushed asphalt, concrete, asphalt, cement stabilized. New bridges, beautiful tree canopy. Accessible to downtown with multiple dining, historical attractions, courthouse and B&B.
The trail in this segment is fully accessible and in very good condition with a small exception of some overgrowth near the east city limits of Detroit.

In May of 2018, Clarksville received a Texas Parks and Wildlife recreational grant to clear and grade the Railroad corridor, rehab all bridges and put handrails on bridges, install safety bollards and regulatory signage. The project is due to start in the first quarter of 2019.

Access Points

Bagwell (FM 2573): has no visitor/street parking, but there is a community center and several churches where someone could park. Parking at Bagwell Post Office.

Appropriate for

Running, Hiking, Mountain and Hybrid Bikes


The public is asked to contact the person listed for each trail town to make reservations for camping. A complete list of campsites and contact information is posted on the NETT website. There are no campsites listed for Bagwell.

For camping in Clarksville (city of Clarksville):

The contact person is Mayor Ann Rushing: (903) 427-3834

Local Emergency Contact Information:

Emergency/ Medical – 9-1-1
City of Detroit (City Hall) – (903) 674-4573
City of Clarksville (City Hall) – (903) 427-3834
City of Clarksville (PD) – (903) 427-3836 or (903) 427-3834, ext. 263
Detroit, Annona and Avery do not have their own PD. Please call Red River Sheriff’s Office: (903) 427-3838
Constable – (903) 427-3322
Lamar County Sheriff’s Department – (903) 737-2400


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Detroit Photos –

Bagwell Photos –

Clarksville Photos –

Photo courtesy of Tracy Rumsey

Photo courtesy of Tracy Rumsey

Photo courtesy of Tracy Rumsey

Photo courtesy of Tracy Rumsey

Local Weather:

[awesome-weather location=”Detroit, TX” units=”F” size=”tall” override_title=”Detroit, TX” forecast_days=3 hide_stats=false background=0]
[awesome-weather location=”Clarksville, TX” units=”F” size=”tall” override_title=”Clarksville, TX” forecast_days=3 hide_stats=false background=0]