DeKalb to New Boston

DeKalb to New Boston


Before planning your trip, please review the Rules and Campsites posted on the NETT Coalition website.


12 miles


Flat, smooth


The trail in this segment is in fair condition and is fully open. Right now the surface is dirt. Travelling this segment after recent rain isn’t recommended.

Access points

T & P Trailhead Park (downtown New Boston)

Appropriate for

Mountain Biking, Hiking, Running.


The public is asked to contact the person listed for each trail town to make reservations for camping. A complete list of campsites and contact information is posted on the NETT website.

New Boston (City of New Boston):
Contact Person – David Turner (903) 227.3715

Local Emergency Contact Information:

Emergency of any type – 9-1-1
City of DeKalb (City Hall) – (903) 667-2410
City of DeKalb (Police Department) – (903) 667-2095
Bowie County Sheriff’s Office – (903) 628-6815
Bowie County Precinct 4 – Pat McCoy, Commissioner – (903) 628-2278
Bowie County Precinct 3 – Kelly Blackburn, Commissioner – (903) 667-5116
Texas State Highway Patrol – (903) 792-0491
City of New Boston – (903) 628-3231
New Boston Police Dept.- (903) 628-3771


Hotels/ Lodging

Find Hotels Dekalb/New Boston



Find Restaurants Near Dekalb/New Boston


Upcoming Events
Run the Rail Half Marathon in October – Check website for date announcement.



Local Weather:

[awesome-weather location=”DeKalb, TX” units=”F” size=”tall” override_title=”DeKalb, TX” forecast_days=3 hide_stats=false background=0] [awesome-weather location=”New Boston, TX” units=”F” size=”tall” override_title=”New Boston, TX” forecast_days=3 hide_stats=false background=0]