Your donations are tax-deductible.
We are a tax-exempt, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. An acknowledgment will be sent for each donation to NorthEast Texas Trail Coalition (NETT), which includes a tax exemption note for your tax records.
Checks and money orders should be made payable to the NorthEast Texas Trail Coalition and mailed to:
NorthEast Texas Trail Coalition
P.O. Box 6172
Paris, TX 75461-6172
E-donations for the NorthEast Texas Trail can be made through PayPal. As required by law, annual information returns (IRS Form 990) for the NorthEast Texas Trail Coalition may be requested by writing to the IRS
Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Attn: Freedom of Information Reading Room
1111 Constitution Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20224
OR during regular business hours at the office of
Paul T Wells, CPA
1323 Lamar Ave, Ste D
Paris, TX 75460
Volunteering is the lifeblood of the NETT! The NETT Coalition welcomes volunteer efforts along the rail-banked corridors or through committee work.
The NETT Coalition Board has three committees open to members of the public. These committees currently meet quarterly, on the same day as the NETT Supporters Meeting. If you have an interest in volunteering for one of these committees, please email the Committee Coordinator using the ‘Contact Us’ link on the homepage menu.
Outreach Committee
The Outreach Committee’s purpose is education, advocacy, marketing strategy, and branding of the NorthEast Texas Trail.
The Outreach Committee consists of two sub-committees:
Technology & Social Media SubCommittee
The objective of this subcommittee is the maintenance of the NETT Coalition Website and developing the NETT Coalition’s various social media platforms.
Kelly Whitley, Subcommittee Administrator
Communications & Marketing SubCommittee
This subcommittee’s priorities include media relations, community presentations, and NETT advocacy. This subcommittee also develops materials such as brochures, pocket maps, and various NETT merchandise.
Denise Swint, Bowie County Representative, Subcommittee Coordinator
Government & Legislative Committee
This committee serves as a liaison between the NETT Coalition and local, State, and Federal government agencies and Legislators.
Judge LD Williamson, City of Annona Representative, Government & Legislative SubCommittee Administrator
David Turner, City of New Boston Representative, Government & Legislative SubCommittee Administrator
Grants and Funding Committee
This committee seeks sources of funding through foundation grants and partnerships with various community benefactors.
Charles Edwards, Co-Coordinator
Mary Clark, Co-Coordinator
Design and Construction Committee
Creates and maintains a consistently favorable design of the physical attributes of the trail features to project a unified and consistent image of the NETT. Objectives include NETT signage, segment wayfinding signage, and trail corridor design attributes.
Tyler Creamer, At-Large Representative, Design and Construction Committee Co-Coordinator
Warren Casteel, Design and Construction Committee Co-Coordinator
Long Range Planning Committee
This committee aims to achieve the corporate, financial, and administrative goals of NETT. This is achieved by reviewing growth policies and plans, maintaining the organization’s charitable status, responsibly making use of donations and gifts, and adhering to the mission and vision of the NETT organization.
Earl Erickson, Representative for Greater Paris Development Foundation, Long Range Planning Committee Co-Coordinator